I look forward to seeing you.
Choose the class below that you’d like to attend and schedule your individual session dates. If you have any questions, or are having trouble booking a class, please contact me.
Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement®
Say it with me…. Fel-den-KRICE. Rhymes with paradise! Feldenkrais is a neurological re-education method to improve how you move.
Enhance all your simple everyday activities: walking with a spring in your step, getting into and out of a tub, car, or bed with ease; gardening, doing home repairs in a healthy way; sitting down and standing back up with less creaking.
Feel the joy of functioning as an integrated whole being.
SomaYoga is yoga for every-body. You don't have to be highly flexible or super strong. You don't have to be a certain size or shape. We will focus on your body's alignment and your comfort in the poses. We’ll also explore breathing, relaxation, and a little meditation. Somatics guides you in becoming more aware of your body, emotions, and intentions.
Come with a beginner's mind, a light heart, and release expectations. Let’s keep yoga FUN! Exercise can connect us with the joy of moving our bodies.