Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement®

What a mouthful. Say it with me…. Fel-den-KRICE. Rhymes with paradise!

Feldenkrais is a neurological re-education method to improve how you move: Smoother, more graceful, whole body and integrated.

Enhance all your simple everyday activities: 

  • Walking with ease, grace, and a spring in your step, at any age.

  • Getting into and out of a tub, car, or bed.

  • Healthy use of your tools and your body while gardening, doing home repairs, and working.

  • Sitting down and standing back up, with less creaking.

  • Feel the joy of functioning as an integrated whole being. 

walking barefoot on beach, balance

Weekly Awareness Through Movement® class on Zoom

What will you need?

  • Internet access and a device to see and hear me.

  • A place to practice - ideally open floor space 5 x 8' or more.

  • Comfortable layered clothing. A sweater and socks may be helpful.

  • A few other things you have around the house: a chair, blankets, pillows.

Wednesday mornings at 9-10 AM CT.